Welcome to the Southeast Regional Office (SERO) Catch Share Programs - Public Home

This page is home to the Individual Fishing Quota (IFQ) programs for commercial Red Snapper (RS-IFQ, 2007-current) and Grouper-Tilefish (GT-IFQ, 2010-current) program, and the Headboat Collaborative pilot (HBC, 2014-2015) program. The IFQ programs are intended to reduce the race to catch quotas by allocating individual fishermen quota that can be harvested throughout the fishing year. The two-year HBC pilot program was intended to evaluate the viability of an allocation-based management strategy for the headboat sector. Each program is intended to achieve both conservation and economic goals through more efficient and more profitable harvesting and marketing practices.

Important Messages -- Please Read Before Logging Into Your Account

· ALL The IFQ Online System will be down every Wednesday from 9:00 PM to 11:00 PM ET for scheduled system maintenance.
· ALL .There are a number of helpful resources available under Additional Information located on the top menu bar. Information includes Frequently Asked Questions, Troubleshooting Guide (for assistance with website functions), copies of Catch Up on Catch Shares Newsletter, and other reference materials.

IFQ Customer Support Toll-Free 866-425-7627
IFQ Customer Support Email NMFS.SER.CatchShare@noaa.gov

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2025 IFQ Landings in (gutted pounds)

Share Category Share Cap % Quota 2025 Landings to Date % Quota Landed Quota Remaining
DWG 14.704321 1,024,000 23,059 2.2 1,000,941
GAG 2.349938 204,000 29,906 14.6 174,094
SWG 7.266147 525,000 14,587 2.7 510,413
RED GR 4.331882 2,790,000 324,431 11.6 2,465,569
RED SNAPPER 6.020300 7,493,784 979,023 13.0 6,514,761
TILE 12.212356 582,000 10,065 1.7 571,935

*IFQ landings listed here are updated each time this page is loaded, representing the most current landings.

IFQ Customer Support Toll-Free 866-425-7627
IFQ Customer Support Email NMFS.SER.CatchShare@noaa.gov